Ⅰ. 총 괄 Summary
1. 연도별 평생교육기관 개황 ······························································································· 2
Summary of Lifelong Education Institutions by Year
2. 연도별 비형식 평생교육기관 개황 ··················································································· 4
Summary of Non-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions by Year
3. 연도별 준형식 평생교육기관 개황 ··················································································· 6
Summary of Semi-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions by Year
4. 2012년 비형식 평생교육기관 현황 ··················································································· 8
Summary of Non-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions in 2012
5. 2012년 준형식 평생교육기관 현황 ·················································································· 10
Summary of Semi-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions in 2012
6. 2012년 지역별 평생교육기관 현황 ·················································································· 12
Summary of Lifelong Education Institutions by Province in 2012
7. 2012년 지역별 학생·학습자 현황 ·················································································· 14
Summary of Students & Learners by Province in 2012
Ⅱ. 비형식 평생교육기관
Non-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions
1. 유·초·중등학교 부설
Attached to Preprimary, Primary and Secondary School ································ 18
1-1. 유·초·중등학교 부설 개황 ············································································· 18
Summary of Lifelong Education Institution Attached to Preprimary,Primary and Secondary School
1-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································· 20
1-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······································································ 22
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
1-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 26
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
1-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ················································· 28
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
1-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 30
Programs and Learners by Duration
1-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 34
Programs and Learners by Target Population
1-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································· 36
1-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ························ 38
1-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································ 40
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
1-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ························································· 41
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
1-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ·························································· 42
Programs by Development & Management
1-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································· 43
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
1-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ····················································································· 44
1-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ············································································ 50
2. 대학(원)부설 Attached to Higher Education School ·········································· 54
2-1. 대학(원)부설 개황 ····························································································· 54
Summary of Lifelong Educational Institution Attached to Higher Education School
2-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································· 56
2-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······································································ 58
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
2-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 62
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
2-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ················································· 64
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
2-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 66
Programs and Learners by Duration
2-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 70
Programs and Learners by Target Population
2-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································· 72
2-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ························ 74
2-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································ 76
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
2-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ························································ 77
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
2-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ·························································· 78
Programs by Development & Management
2-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································· 79
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
2-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ···················································································· 80
2-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ············································································ 86
3. 원격형태 Cyber Lifelong Education Institution ··················································· 90
3-1. 원격형태 개황 Summary of Cyber Lifelong Education Institution ····················· 90
3-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································· 92
3-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····································································· 94
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
3-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 98
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
3-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ················································ 100
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
3-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 102
Programs and Learners by Duration
3-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 106
Programs and Learners by Target Population
3-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································ 108
3-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················· 110
3-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································ 112
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
3-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································· 113
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
3-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ························································· 114
Programs by Development & Management
3-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································· 115
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
3-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ···················································································· 116
3-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ··········································································· 122
4. 사업장부설 Attached to Company ····································································· 126
4-1. 사업장부설 개황 ······························································································ 126
Summary of Lifelong Education Institution Attached to Company
4-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································ 128
4-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···································································· 130
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
4-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 134
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
4-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ················································ 136
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
4-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 138
Programs and Learners by Duration
4-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 142
Programs and Learners by Target Population
4-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································ 144
4-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················· 146
4-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····················································· 148
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
4-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································· 149
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
4-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ························································ 150
Programs by Development & Management
4-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································· 151
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
4-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ···················································································· 152
4-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ··········································································· 158
5. 시민사회단체부설 Attached to NGOs ································································· 162
5-1. 시민사회단체부설 개황 ···················································································· 162
Summary of Lifelong Education Institution Attached to NGOs
5-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································ 164
5-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···································································· 166
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
5-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································· 170
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
5-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ················································ 172
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
5-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 174
Programs and Learners by Duration
5-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 178
Programs and Learners by Target Population
5-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································ 180
5-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················· 182
5-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····················································· 184
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
5-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································· 185
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
5-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ························································· 186
Programs by Development & Management
5-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································ 187
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
5-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ··················································································· 188
5-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ··········································································· 194
6. 언론기관부설 Attached to Mass Media ······························································· 198
6-1. 언론기관부설 개황 ·························································································· 198
Summary of Lifelong Education Institution Attached to Mass Media
6-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ····················································· 200
6-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···································································· 202
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
6-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 206
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
6-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ··············································· 208
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
6-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 210
Programs and Learners by Duration
6-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······························································ 214
Programs and Learners by Target Population
6-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ································ 216
6-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················· 218
6-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···················································· 220
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
6-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································· 221
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
8-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ························································ 222
Programs by Development & Management
6-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ······································································ 223
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
6-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ··················································································· 224
6-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ·········································································· 230
7. 지식·인력개발형태 Knowledge & HRD ····························································· 234
7-1. 지식·인력개발형태 개황 ················································································ 234
Summary of Lifelong Education Institution for Knowledge & HRD
7-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································ 236
7-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···································································· 238
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
7-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 242
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
7-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ··············································· 244
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
7-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 246
Programs and Learners by Duration
7-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 250
Programs and Learners by Target Population
7-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ······························· 252
7-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················ 254
7-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···················································· 256
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
7-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································ 257
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
7-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황Programs by Development & Management ························································ 258
7-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ····································································· 259
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
7-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ··················································································· 260
7-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ·········································································· 266
8. 평생학습관 Lifelong Learning Center ································································ 270
8-1. 평생학습관 개황 Summary of Lifelong Learning Center ································ 270
8-2. 기관운영 현황 Management of Institutions ······················································ 272
8-3. 계열별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···································································· 274
Programs and Learners by Academic Field
8-4. 주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 278
Programs and Learners by Teaching Theme
8-5. 계열별·주제구분별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ··············································· 280
Programs and Learners by Academic Field & Teaching Theme
8-6. 교육기간별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 282
Programs and Learners by Duration
8-7. 수요대상별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ····························································· 286
Programs and Learners by Target Population
8-8. 교육시수별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Training Hours ······························· 288
8-9. 수강인원별 프로그램 현황 Programs by Number of Learners ······················ 290
8-10. 수강료 유·무별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ···················································· 292
Programs and Learners by Existence of Tuition Fee
8-11. 재정지원여부별 프로그램 및 학습자 현황 ······················································ 293
Programs and Learners by Existence of Financial Support
8-12. 프로그램 개발운영형태별 프로그램 현황 ························································ 294
Programs by Development & Management
8-13. 학점인정 여부별 프로그램 현황 ····································································· 295
Programs by Recognition of Academic Credit
8-14. 교강사 현황 Instructors ··················································································· 296
8-15. 사무직원 현황 Clerical Staffs ·········································································· 302
9. 학원 Private Institute ························································································ 306
9-1. 사설학원 개황 Summary of Private Institute ··················································· 306
9-2. 독서실 개황 Summary of Reading Rooms ····················································· 307
9-3. 사설학원 수강자 현황 ····················································································· 308
Attendants by Length of Courses & Occupations
9-4. 사설학원 이수자 현황 ····················································································· 310
Attendants Who Completed Courses by Length of Courses & Occupations
Ⅲ. 준형식 평생교육기관
Semi-Formal Lifelong Education Institutions
초·중등교육형태 평생교육기관
Lifelong Education Institutions of Primary and Secondary Type
1. 공민학교 현황 Summary of Civic School ·························································· 314
2. 고등공민학교 현황 Summary of Civic High School ·········································· 316
3. 고등기술학교 현황 Summary of Trade High School ········································· 318
4. 각종학교(초·중·고) 현황
Summary of Miscellaneous School(Secondary School Course) ···················· 320
5. 산업체부설고등학교 현황 Summary of High Schools Attached to Industry ·············322
6. 근로청소년을 위한 특별학급 현황
Summary of Special Evening Classes for Working Youths ··························· 326
7. 방송통신고등학교 현황 Summary of Air & Correspondence High School ············328
8. 학교형태 학력인정 평생교육시설학교 현황
Summary of Accredited Lifelong Education Facilities and Schools ················ 330
8-1. 초등학교 개황 Summary of Elementary School ············································· 330
8-2. 중학교 개황 Summary of Middle School ························································ 332
8-3. 고등학교 개황 Summary of High School ······················································· 334
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2012 지방교육재정 분석 결과 (0) | 2012.12.30 |
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