
2013 서울교육통계연보

조은아빠9 2014. 1. 2. 13:03

2013년 서울통계연보.part1.rar

2013년 서울통계연보.part2.rar

발 간 사 Foreword

범 례 Remarks


Ⅰ - A. 일반현황 Organization & Policies

1 - 1. 서울특별시교육청 연혁 Brief History of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education ················································· 27

1 - 2. 서울특별시교육청 기구표 The Organization Table of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education ································ 36

1 - 3. 2013년 서울교육방향 Direction of Seoul Education 2013 ····················································································· 38

1 - 4. 학 제 School System ······················································································································ 40

1 - 5. 연도별 학교수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Schools ········································································ 41

1 - 6. 연도별 학급수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Classes ········································································· 42

1 - 7. 연도별 학생수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Students ······································································· 43

1 - 8. 연도별 교원수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Teachers ······································································ 44

1 - 9. 연도별 학급당 학생수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Students per Class ······················································ 45

1 - 10. 연도별 교원 1인당 학생수 변동 상황 Annual Change in the Number of Students per Teacher ·················································· 46

1 - 11. 연도별 학생 체격 변동 상황(키) Annual Change in Physical Constitution of Students(Standing Height) ···························· 47

1 - 12. 연도별 학생 체격 변동 상황(몸무게) Annual Change in Physical Constitution of Students(Body Weight) ································· 48

Ⅰ - B. 주요 업무 통계 General Status of Educational Administration

2 - 1. 정 ․ 현원표 Table of Organization & Present Members on the List ···················································· 50

2 - 2. 학생 체격 현황 (2012년도) Physical Constitution of Students ························································································ 52

2 - 3. 학생 체력 현황 (2012년도) Physical Strength of Students ······························································································ 52

2 - 4. 체육특기자 학생수 현황 Special Students Registered in Sports Organizations ·························································· 54

2 - 5. 체육 시설 현황 Physical Education Facilities ································································································ 56

2 - 6. 교원 연수 현황 Current Status of Teacher Training ····················································································· 58

2 - 7. 교원 자격연수 실적 현황 Teacher Training for Certificate ·························································································· 60

2 - 8. 교원 자격증 발급 현황 Issuance of Teachers Certificates ························································································ 61

2 - 9. 법인 현황 School Foundations ·············································································································· 60

2 - 10. 공공도서관 현황 Public Library Services ······································································································ 62

2 - 11. FY 2013 지방교육비특별회계 세입․세출 예산 FY 2013 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Budget ············ 64

2 - 12. FY 2012 지방교육비특별회계 세입세출 결산 FY 2012 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Settlement ····· 65

2 - 13. FY 2013 지방교육비특별회계 FY 2013 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Character Classification

세출 예산 성질별 분류 ·············································································································································· 66

2 - 14. FY 2013 공립학교 학교회계 세입세출 예산 FY 2013 Public School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Budget ·························· 66

2 - 15. FY 2012 공립학교 학교회계 세입․세출 결산 FY 2012 Public School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Settlement ····················· 66

2 - 16. FY 2012, 2013 학교 법인 예산 및 결산 FY 2012, 2013 Budget & Settled Accounts of School Foundation

(초 ․ 중등 교육기관 법인) (Elementary and Secondary Education) ··············································································· 68

2 - 17. 고등학교 졸업 자격 검정고시 실시 현황 Results of the Qualification Examination for High School Graduation ···························· 68

2 - 18. 고등학교 입학 자격 검정고시 실시 현황 Results of the Qualification Examination for High School Entrance ································ 68

2 - 19. 공립학교 교육비 분류 Expenditures at Public Schools (Local Educational Fund) ················································ 68

2 - 20. FY 2012, 2013 사립학교 학교회계 FY 2012, 2013 Private School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Budget & Settlement

세입 ․ 세출 예산 및 결산 ·············································································································································· 70
